installation view at Galerie Lange + Pult in Zürich raw oil paint on sewn canvas tarpaulins each 36" x 36 inches / 91,5cm x 91,5cm

transformation of the now-barren U.S. pavilion Buckmaster Fuller dome into a tent similar to West German pavilion. color photograph laminated to canvas, hardware, and climbing cable nuts 60" x 80 inches 152cm x 203cm collection Lois & Richard Plehn, New York

As seen at The Power Plant, Toronto in 1989 Color photograph laminated to canvas, hardware, and climbing cable nuts 60" x 80 inches 152cm x 203cm Collection: Lois & Richard Plehn, New York

Transformation of the now-barren U.S. pavilion Buckmaster Fuller dome into a tent similar to West German pavilion. Color photograph laminated to canvas, hardware, and climbing cables 60" x 80 inches 152cm x 203cm Collection: Lois & Richard Plehn, New York

Photo of the unkempt and neglected "Habitat '67", one of the first modular residential constructions. Color photographs, cut and nailed to wooden blocks. 38" x 30" x 7" 96.5cm x 76cm x 18cm Collection: Patricia Low, New York

Photo of the unkempt and neglected "Habitat '67", one of the first modular residential constructions. Color photographs, cut and nailed to wooden blocks. 38" x 30" x 7" 96.5cm x 76cm x 18cm Collection: Patricia Low, New York

Photo of the unkempt and neglected "Habitat '67", one of the first modular residential constructions. A redux of the prior "Condo '67" Color photographs, cut and nailed to wooden blocks. 54" x 42" x 10 inches 137cm x 106.6cm x 25.4cm Private collection; Bari, Italy

Photo of the unkempt and neglected "Habitat '67", one of the first modular residential constructions. A redux of the prior "Condo '67" Color photographs, cut and nailed to wooden blocks. 54" x 42" x 10 inches 137cm x 106.6cm x 25.4cm Private collection; Bari, Italy

For the amusement area, a playground hanging tire photographed and sandwiched to a hanging tire. Two laminated color photographs, automotive tire, chain, lock, and hardware 34" x 34" x 15 inches 89cm x 89cm x 41cm

For the amusement area, a playground hanging tire photographed and sandwiched to a hanging tire. Two laminated color photographs, automotive tire, chain, lock, and hardware 34" x 34" x 15 inches 89cm x 89cm x 41cm

Installation at Presentation House Gallery, Vancouver, 2009 A playground hanging tire photographed and that photo sandwiched to a hanging tire, and subsequently photographed again and sandwiched to a newer tire as a cover version of the first artwork. Two color photographs laminated to canvas, automotive tire, chain, locks, hardware 35" x 35" x 16.2 inches 89cm x 89cm x 41cm chain: 108" / 274cm Collection: Robert Shifler, Dayton Ohio

A playground hanging tire photographed and that photo sandwiched to a hanging tire, and subsequently photographed again and sandwiched to a newer tire as a cover version of the first artwork. Two color photographs laminated to canvas, automotive tire, chain, locks, hardware 35" x 35" x 16.2 inches 89cm x 89cm x 41cm chain: 108" / 274cm Collection: Robert Shifler, Dayton Ohio

color photograph, filter, plywood, spike screws, chains and hardware 40" x 30" x 2 inches 101cm x 76,2cm x 5cm

color photograph, filter, plywood, spike screws, chains and hardware 40" x 30" x 2 inches 101cm x 76,2cm x 5cm

color photographs (on both sides), filters, plywood, screws, hook and cable. 40" x 30" x 2 inches 101cm x 76,2cm x 5cm

color photographs (on both sides), filters, plywood, screws, hook and cable. 40" x 30" x 2 inches 101cm x 76,2cm x 5cm
During Expo '86 in Vancouver, Canada; a production of works that explored Montreal's Expo '67 was exhibited at the Josh Baer Gallery in New York. As a 10 yr old boy at the time, Expo '67 was the artist's introduction to architecture, and his first exposure to a spectacle of international scale. The works were aerobic in their placement, and the photographs were physical in their treatment.

For the amusement area, upside-down coaster bumpers. Color photograph, caster wheels, BMX tires, plywood, nails 26" x 26" x 5 inches 66cm x 66cm x 12.7cm

For the amusement area, upside-down coaster bumpers. Each: color photograph, caster wheels, BMX tires, plywood, nails Coaster 2: 30" x 40" x 5 inches 76cm x 101cm x 12.7cm Coaster 1: 26" x 26" x 5 inches 66cm x 66cm x 12.7cm

"Alan Belcher October 14 - Nov 12, 1988" catalog published by J. Berg Press (including the essay "Rock And Roll Transformer" by Daniela Salvioni)

Review by John Miller of the "Expo" exhibition at Josh Baer Gallery, New York; Artscribe, March Issue 1987, pg 82

Review of exhibition at Josh Baer Gallery by Joseph Masheck; New York Times, November 14th