installation view at Galerie Lange + Pult in Zürich raw oil paint on sewn canvas tarpaulins each 36" x 36 inches / 91,5cm x 91,5cm

Dangling carrot, featuring katakana script "Meibi, Meibe Noto" Iridescent velvet, embroidered acrylic plush crest, polyester fiberfill approx height 72inches / 182,9cm Salah Bachir & Jacob Yerex Collection , Toronto

A commemorative of the Challenger shuttle that exploded over the Atlantic Ocean on January 28th 1986. Acrylic plush w/ polyester fibrefill 32” x 23” x 7 inches / 81,2cm x 58,4cm x 17,7cm

"Chi-zee" in katakana is embroidered onto the surface. acrylic plush, polyester fiberfill 7½" x 27" x 6 inches / 19cm x 68,6cm x 15,2cm

"Chi-zee" in katakana is embroidered onto the surface. acrylic plush, polyester fiberfill 6" x 22" x 4 inches / 15,2cm x 55,9cm x 10,2cm

"Chi-zee" in katakana is embroidered onto the surface. acrylic plush, polyester fiberfill 5" x 18" x 4 inches / 12,7cm x 45,7cm x 10,2cm

"Chi-zee" in katakana is embroidered onto the surface. acrylic plush, polyester fiberfill size and whereabouts are unknown

10-sheet billboard, electrostatic printed on coated paper 120" x 240 inches 304.5cm x 609.6cm Collection: National Gallery of Canada The most controversial of the Art Metropole "Billboards by Artists" series, this work was not exhibited in downtown Toronto as intended due to a decision by Advertising Standards Canada and Mediacom Toronto.

Edition of 200, of which 50 are signed and numbered.

mail art multiple created for Galerie Largeness, containing five unsorted cards from a Bicycle playing card deck, in an edition of 107